
Back from Summer hiatus

It’s been a long summer in the Leslie household. From our family trip to Cedar Point to the great wind storm thanks to Hurricane Ike, its been memorable.

Here are a few highlights

- John got glasses

- My cousin Caitlin graduated high school, competed in the state track finals on the hottest (thus far) day of the year, gave the commencement speech  at the graduation on the 2nd hottest day of the year and started school at Davidson.

- Thanks to the Red Cross, we got free Cedar Point tickets for giving blood and took a vacation to the north coast. We stayed in a dive, found a great restaurant that was in an old boat factory and hung out with our friend who lives in Amish country.

- Jean started working more hours at work so John got to spend time hanging out with some of the other kids in the neighborhood.

- I got a new tablet pc and a home server

- I went to the last 2 games at Cooper Stadium, home of the Columbus Clippers.

- John started kindergarten


I’ll post more on these over the next few weeks.



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