
Well at least the monitor is working

Update on yesterday post involving my DOA XPS 600.

Rather than wait for a call from Dell, I call them at lunch.

My options are to either return for credit or exchange. Problem with the exchange is twofold. First the clock is still running on my 21 day return policy in case something happens like this again (the rep told me that it would be fixed after 21 days rather than replaced) and I won't be able to upgrade the system (I saw the new Creative Xi sound card is now available and I wanted to switch out the Audigy for it since it's only $50 more).

So I opt for a credit but that means I have to wait for UPS to ship it back (they pick it up on fried), 10 to 15 days from the time its checked back into the system for credit to appear on my Dell account before I can start the order process just in time for the christen rush!

Yet I was able to get the monitor (which I'm paying $360 for while it lists by itself for $590 on sale this week) to work with my XPS B733r. So at least I now have a wonderful image while I wait for it to process.

Keeping this all in propective. Folks all over the gulf coast would love this problem rather than the ones their facing. So I gotta remember to be thankful for what I got and not care about what I don't got...Got it?


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