Godot Aria Mubie M4150 (128MB) - MP3 players - CNET Reviews
You just have to look at this thing and then read the review about where the USB cable is located..
Godot Aria Mubie M4150 (128MB) - MP3 players - CNET Reviews
Links, Thoughts and Personal Things.
You just have to look at this thing and then read the review about where the USB cable is located..
Few quickie things I've been doing of late before hitting the hay:
The last two nights Jean, John and myself have headed out either before or after dinner to ride our bikes (except for John who rides in the bike trailer) either to Woodside Green park or to Creekside and feed the ducks. I love how the ducks will flap their wings while sking with their feet across the water when you start to feed them.
Headed down to the Gahanna Flea Market this afternoon. Its kind of a community garage sale with food vendors with a few craft / home shopping parties reps and local folks running for office thrown in. I talk with David Goodman who is running for county commissioner plus Deb Price of City Council and Marlene Eader from the School Board.
Talk with a gentleman from the Grace Church in Delaware about their experances with Alpha. Here are some of the tips he gave me.
Wednesday Jean calls me up at work and tells me that she had won a key that could start a car...on Saturday..the day we were going to Cincinatti for her conference on Manic Depressive teens. So we were debating if I should skip the trip and go with John, have Patty stand in or just not go.
I love Italian Water Ice. Rita's is the only place you can get it in Columbus but if you're in Delaware, check out Rocky's. It's a smooth and tasty as Rita's and since they use a Water Ice machine rather than a ice cream machine like Rita's, it doesn't melt as fast.
So what does a graph of Spam looks like since 1997? Well here's a link to the chart of one man's inbox.
From TeamXbox's forums
Columbus is lucky to have two public radio stations. WCBE FM and WOSU AM. WOSU picked up a show called Speaking of Faith which deals with issues effecting faith. It's interfaith for the most part and gives a balanced view of the faiths without taking a side. Their website is http://speakingoffaith.publicradio.org/ and offers links where you can listen to the past shows. Learn more about the ideas presented plus find resources relating to faith.
University of Louisville Who are feeding their recent acquisitions for their different libraries via RSS
Missed the pass drop for Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow for Columbus Ohio. Any kind soul willing to help me out here. Please?
If you're a fan of the classic Disney style, then you know the work of Frank Thomas. A member of Disney's Nine Old Men many in my generation who didn't work in animation were first introduced to him and his best friend and fellow old Man Ollie Johnston in the film, Frank and Ollie. Pick it up this weekend to see this master in action.
Take this exchange blogged by Downbrigade News:
More interesting, we hope, than the insipid display of ham-handedness we just saw on the nightly news. John Kerry, asked to comment on today's milestone in Iraq - a political softball to his wheelhouse, just begging to be swatted over the wall - answered, in his gaunt, sonorous and sepulchral tomes, "Over 1000 of America's sons and daughters have now given their lives to the war on terror."
NO, NO, NO, John. That is the Bush lie. They have given their lives to an obscure, oil-drenched Texas family feud, to a personal vendetta that has nothing to do with the real security of the United States and in fact is making us less secure by breeding a million widows and orphans who blame us for their misfortunes and will spend the rest of their lives trying to get back at us.
The Real War on Terror is tracking down Osama, rooting out the entrenched hate-mongers in our "allies", Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, stopping the massacres in Africa, finding the Anthrax killer, and getting real about protecting our borders, airports and container ports.
This is the message. Is it too late for the messenger to figure it out?
Quick notes before heading to bed:
Laptop. I looked at an HP today at Best Buy as well as Tony's Dell at work.
Don't ask me why but I've always had a weekness for SoCal ska/punk women with red hair. Mo Powell (pix) from the band that was Save Ferris and now Betty Cisneros (pix) from Go Betty Go.
I got my new Entertainment Weekly which had their fall tv preview. Now last year all the advertisers bemoaned the fact that the infamous 18-34 male viewership block was gone.
Well I spent my labor day a laboring. I keep thinking I should join my fellow geeks as we march to show the strength of geek labor downtown...that was if there was such a thing as a geek labor union.
Few quick words on the Labor Day weekend so far...
John has been one of the subjects in a research project at Ohio State dealing with cognitive devlopment. Check out the home page for the project to see John in action.
I stink when it comes to CSS. I just don't have the touch with it. Thus the blog is suffering for it.
Given that John had Hand, Foot and Mouth when Jean's birthday came on Aug 16 (Yes, the day Elvis left the planet) we opted to postpone our family dinner (we did however get carryout).