
Bike rides and ducks

The last two nights Jean, John and myself have headed out either before or after dinner to ride our bikes (except for John who rides in the bike trailer) either to Woodside Green park or to Creekside and feed the ducks. I love how the ducks will flap their wings while sking with their feet across the water when you start to feed them.

The air is just warm enough not to be hot but not too cold when you're going fast down a hill. Woodside Green is the future of the two parks both in distance but also in the challenge given that the ride back is mostly uphill. Creekside is closer but the new trail from the Gahanna Municipal Golf Course is mostly wooded so it gets darker faster. Yet the ducks are so used to people that they'll walk up and take the bread from your hand.
Speaking of bread, I need to pick some duck pellets to give the ducks something better to eat.


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