
sjarvis.com :: Styling Forms with CSS

Need to take a closer look at these to see how they layer.
sjarvis.com :: Styling Forms with CSS

Confession time

My wife is leaning towards Bush using the whole "Devil you know vs.. Devil you don't know logic".
My attempts so far to get her to move off of this position have been about as successful as my recruitment of softball players for corporate challenge.
She hates politics so getting her to read or watch anything on the convention is pointless.
So I'm, living The Boondocks cartoon from Sunday except she's leaning Bush. http://www.ucomics.com/boondocks/2004/07/25/
Sigh.. this isn't making me feel better

David Leslie
Software Quality Analysis
Cooperative Discovery Test Management Section
Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
http://cweb.oclc.org/~leslied (intranet only)

"It is the greatest truth of our age:
information is not knowledge..."
-Caleb Carr

-----Original Message-----
From: Zimmer,Tom
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 4:40 PM
To: Babich,Helene; Dishong,Jane; Kim,Sharon; Leslie,David; McDaniel,Vanessa; Prasse,Mike; Satia,Germaine; Seelbach,Thom
Subject: Priceless

by kos
Thu Jul 29th, 2004 at 16:07:56 GMT

The new Bush
jobs plan:
A campaign worker for President Bush said on Thursday American workers unhappy with low-quality jobs should find new ones -- or pop a Prozac to make themselves feel better.

"Why don't they get new jobs if they're unhappy -- or go on Prozac?" said Susan Sheybani, an assistant to Bush campaign spokesman Terry Holt.

Now we need universal health care so the unemployed can afford that prozac.

Bush Administration :: Link & Discuss (49 comments)
Tom Zimmer
Decision Support Analyst
Global Business Research
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
614 761 5189

Carter's 1976 Ad

You could run this same ad today and be pretty close to the truth.
Media Player

The Living Room Candidate

Most people hate them with a passion but the political ad sadly is how most people get their information on canidates. If anything, check out the Bush 1988 ads where Lee (the slinger) Atwater turned the Attack Ad into an art form.
The Living Room Candidate


Barack Obama speech to the DNC

Illinois Senate Candidate Barack Obama Must be heard to gain it's full impact.

NPR audio
DNC Video

If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child. If there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for her prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it's not my grandmother. If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties. It's that fundamental belief-I am my brother's keeper, I am my sisters' keeper-that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family. "E pluribus unum." Out of many, one.

Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there's not a liberal America and a conservative America-there's the United States of America.

There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too. We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States.

There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and patriots who supported it. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.


Weekend wrap up

Almost a total waste of a day. I had opted not to go out with Jean, Patty and Jay so that I could work on some screen grabs for my group's preventing presentation. The plan was I would watch John, put him down for bed then get to work. Jean could have a nice dinner with her sister and brother-in-law while I pounded out my homework.

Things went south about an hour into Mama walking out the door. First, my copy of PhotoShop Elements had expired. Granted I have the full 7.01 version of 'da shop' but I need the grabs since the class is working with PS Elements. I did have a copy still valid on my work machine but that meant trugging 40 min round trip to do something that would take 10.
Next, John woke up. While I was able to get him back down, he wasn't in that good deep sleep. This meant when Jean got home. Boy was up.. and When he's up..he's up. Kid didn't go back down til 1 am.

A great day to play golf.. Except I'm going to work to do homework. Get the homework done and sent to my team, stop at the library to pick up my copy of the Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 (stunning collection and a must buy) and then to Meijers to grab supplies for the Mom's Club picnic (three boxes of shells and cheese, 1 gallon of milk and a plastic tray)

The park for the picnic was another of Gahanna's hidden gems. It had a nice play area, a lake, shelter house, softball and baseball diamonds. It also had a set of railroad tie steps going up a hill that John fell face first into while I was watching him. Man did I feel guilty. The damage to the little man was a cut chin, scraped lip and some bleeding from the mouth. We had a good time eating with the Maxwell's and talking about different things like the Tiki party they went to and different forms of fighting arts. I just hope I didn't talk their ears off.

Went to the  zoo after Jean had gone to church (John and I slept in after he was up again). A nice lunch and it was off to the petting zoo where John got to take his first pony ride. We also hit the merry-go-round before heading home since I had a showing to attend in Delaware for a co-worker who had lost his wife in a car accident while on a family vacation in California.  I had never been to something like this before...where the lost was instant. So I struggled to find words and just didn't try when it was my turn to meet with the family.

On the way to Delaware is my Dad's grave at Kingwood. I haven't been there since he was laid to rest there in Dec 2002. I stopped on the way home. No real reason other than to see if the stone was there. I didn't even get out of the car. I did stop and have one White Castle for Dad on the way home.


The Disney Blog: Tiki Room Refurb

I pray that they restore the show to it's glory. The addition of that idoit Iago to the Disney World show almost killed it for me.
The Disney Blog: Tiki Room Refurb

Copyright Office on INDUCE Act (IICA): It isn't Strong Enough

Mary Beth Peters' statements before congress yesterday might make her the most dangerous woman in America right now if you own
1. A VCR
2. A DVR
3. Any device that can make a copy of copyrighted materials without the owner's consent.
Corante > The Importance of... > Copyright Office on INDUCE Act (IICA): It isn't Strong Enough


First Impression of the Day From Fast Company

"Today's distraction will become tomorrow's killer app."

- Chet Huber, President OnStar Corp.

The Weebel has Pissed Me Off

The Weebel has done it..
She has pissed me off for the last time.
Allow me to back track. The Weebel is the woman who runs the cash register at the cafe in my building. Rather, she sits on her milk crate throne and bitches about everything. Too big of a bill to pay for your lunch? Weebel bitches. Pay with too much in coin, Weebel bitches. Make the Weebel get off the milk crate throne..Bitch.
When the Weebel needs something from one of the staff in the back, she yells. If they fail to answer then she'll hobble the whopping 5 step from the throne to the grill, bitching with each step. See the Weebel has every known aliment known to man yet all it does is give her even more fodder to bitch about. I'm now convinced that Death is afrade of the Weebel.
So what did she do earn my scorn?
Lunch time today
I go for the chicken tortilla soup 95 cents a bowl. I have $1
The "to go" bowls are gone so I use an "eat in" bowl.
Weebel gives me the total of $1.02 having charged me the "eat in" tax on the item. Rather than agruge with the Weebel I agree to pay but ..
I say "Sorry but I just have a dollar."
Weebel stares
Now I was expecting "Don't worry about it" or "Get me next time" especial after I paid the Weebel last week for a Sprite fountain drink that she thought was water. I mean, I told her after she gave me the total and I even had to show her the bubbles to prove it wasn't water!
I say "I've got change at my desk. I can bring it down later."
Weeble huffs with an exhale "Just get it here by 3"
Me "Thanks"
Weeble "mumble mumble Jesus Christ mumble mumble"

Over 2 Lincoln, 2 copper brothers, 2 pennies. You've got to be kidding me.

Oh the Weebel is going to get her 2 freaking cents. And that it.. I'm never giving the Weebel a cent... ever. Not like I'm a big spender in the cafe but I'll walk across campus to the other cafe before I put any money in the Weebel's palm.


Garry Trudeau interview @ RollingStone.com

Key quote:
RollingStone.com: "Do you see parallels between Iraq and Vietnam?
Both were discretionary wars entered into under false assumptions, and you could argue that both initially had worthy goals. The Iraq adventure, however, was crippled by a fatal arrogance from the onset. The Powell doctrine of using overwhelming force to reach achievable goals with a clear exit strategy -- conceived in reaction to mistakes made in Vietnam -- was summarily discarded, inviting nearly all the consequences the doctrine was designed to avoid."

ESPN.com: Page 2 - Welcome to the Vengeance Scale

Now that it was explaned this way, I've got new respect for the guy which is up from boy in my book and not close to Man.

From ESPN's vengeance scale
8.0 -- Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me A River" video.
(Note: The most underrated example of vengeance on this list. After Britney cheated on him, not only did he dump her, he put out a best-selling album fueled by a song about their breakup in which he basically destroys her with the lyrics. Just an unbelievable piece of work. It's devastating. I can't even imagine what she did when she first heard it. And if that wasn't enough, he made a well-received video about the song, starring a Britney look-alike. And if THAT wasn't enough, he immediately started going out with Cameron Diaz. By the time he was done, Britney's career was in the tank -- she was chain-smoking and hanging out with backup dancers and white trash guys from her hometown. Now that, my friends, is vengeance. Bravo, Justin. Bravo.)

ESPN.com: Page 2 - Welcome to the Vengeance Scale

End of the season

Last night marked the official end of the softball season for the Buffalo Wild Wings team.
In our 4th meeting of the season with the Master Batters, we got pounded. Everything they hit found a gap. Everything we hit found a glove. By the time the ball cleared the fence for their grand slam that was apart of an 11 run inning, we as a team, were done.
Me, about the only highlight of the day was a triple I hit to lead off the 4th. My first at bat I got on top of a ball that I should have drove into next month which became a line drive out to the first baseman. The triple was in part thanks to the left fielder moving way in and giving me the line. The 2nd pitch I was able to drop step and drive it over his head. It also helped that I think the guy in left is an asshole so I wanted to burn him.  For the record I would like to note that I used Bill Miller's 26oz Milken Freak. That stick had a nice feel to it. 
It was a disappointing year for the most part but I did have fun playing. The team never quite jellied and we struggled to get the same guys out week after week. We also had a skill level issue vs the rest of the league. While we could compete if we had folks there, we just had too much inconstancy on who would be there from week to week. In a men's rec league, this would not be a big deal. But in a men's open league in a place like Westerville, it's a great way to get beat and beat bad.

Still I want to tee it up for fall ball. To do that, I'm going to need the following items for which I'll be hunting the closeout bins for at the local sports megamarts:

  1. Cleats. I have blown out my Adadis on both sides. Not bad after almost 5 years of heavy use. I'm thinking Nike MCS Slams would be a nice replacement.
  2. Bat bag. Zipper is almost blown and there's a hole from what looks like a mouse. Given that it's over 12 years old, it's due.


AtomFilms - This Land

Liberals and Conseratives. Nut jobs of all parties. Sing With Me NOW!

This Land


Notes from the weekend so far

  • Corporate Challenge Softball tournament got washed out by today's rains killing Pete Insabella's hopes of ever being a weather forcaster. The upside is that we get a few more workouts in a as team. Downside.. Well there is making sure who we have committed can make the rain date, then there is the gorilla in the room, what to do about those players who bailed but who are now available? Do you offer them a slot and bench someone who was coming out? Do you roll with who you have an not take the opourtuity to impove the team? I tend to lean with roll what I have. I'm also kinda bummed about not getting this in since this means more work for me arranging practices while trying to get my own workouts in and playing fall ball.
  • Went to a birthday party for Sammy Longo, who is 4 years old. I was talking with her Dad Angelo and asked if he played softball since Rick is getting up a fall team and we might need someone. He said yes and added that he has a DeMarini. If anything indicated that he's played some ball, it's the fact that he's carrying a DeMarini in the bag. I was always on the fence with how much difference the DeMarini had vs other high end bats from Easton and Louisville Slugger. Sure I've seen balls carry farther when they were hit with one but everytime I tried to swing one I just couldn't tell the difference between what I've been using (a Nike Bataboom) and the D until I hit a 26oz 34 in. Vexxum this year. The Ball just jumped off that stick with for me was a slow swing. Lord knows I've could have gone yard had I got into it. Made me very temped to try and snag one when they change models in the spring. Still it's hard for me to drop over $200 bones for a bat.
  • Got an invite to my niece's birthday party. Given that I haven't seen her, ever, I was kinda surpised. I mean I haven't talked to my Mom, Sister or Brother-in-Law since my BiL go into me over the whole money issue after my Dad's passing. Needless to say, we'll send a gift but not attend. Still too much junk inside of me on this and I'm not at a point to be the one to reach out. I did have a dream that we managed to patch things up but even if we did, they would have to make the first move.


Game 2
Posted by Hello

Line Up try number 2
Posted by Hello

Lineup game 1
Posted by Hello


Forgive me blogger, It's been awhile since my last post

As the subject line reads, it's been awhile since my last post. Things have been busy between getting the house ready for 4th of July, John's visit to Cleveland, getting the house ready for the playdate, school and last but not least, this frigging cold that's been traveling around my body like a tired tourist camping out on the Disney World train ride.

So I'm tired and while sick, I'm not sick enough to stay home. In short, I'm really grumpy and I can't sleep.

So with this in mind, here is a list of thing currently ticking me off in my grumpy-ness

1. Corporate Challenge softball: I've lost 3 players (2 female and 1 male) in 24 hours. Given this rate of attrition, I might be like my man Charlie Brown, alone on the mound getting my clothes knocked off by come backers.

Given that we have IBM in the first round and we'll have to roll with just nine in the field plus take an automatic out when the 10th batter comes up, I'll talk some OS/2 Warp / Linux smack as a way to save face.

2. Comp 107: Things had better pick up once we get to Photoshop or I'm going to be really, really pissed.

3. Work: I could say something but then I wouldn't stop

4. This cold. I've got a low grade hack that brings up just enough flem to be called flem. Throw in a touch of something that has me feel like I'm walking on ball and you get a nice idea of my state. Oh, wait, I have no energy from the lack of really good sleep.



Need to check the playlist when it post for that great tune that was on the Cafe about 10 til 9.

- Edited
Found the band. Its Soel on the WarnerJazz lable


DOUBLE ZERO - le site officiel

This looks like a hoot and I don't even speak French
DOUBLE ZERO - le site officiel

My little guy in Cleveland visiting his Grandfolks. Mama is heading up as I type but I'm stuck in C-Bus until at least Friday night. I miss the little guy
Posted by Hello


StickyMinds.com : Going Down with the Ship

What does the sinking of an 17th centery battleship have to do with software project management? Well click and read on
StickyMinds.com : Column info : Going Down with the Ship


JUMP HQ :: Music

Why can't stuff link Rains in Asia and Mexico find airplay?
JUMP HQ :: Music


From the voice of the Verve Pipe. I love A million things. Too bad he doesn't have the demo up on the site.

Op-Ed Contributor: You Are How You Eat

Hazan makes three really good points in this article.
1. Eat slow and enjoy the food
2. Kid menus suck
3. Portion size is just as important as what the item is.
The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Contributor: You Are How You Eat


Bush Seeks to Mobilize Religious Conservatives

You've got to be kidding me...
President Bush, seeking to mobilize religious conservatives for his reelection campaign, has asked church-going volunteers to turn over church membership directories, campaign officials said on Thursday.

In a move sharply criticized both by religious leaders and civil libertarians, the Bush-Cheney campaign has issued a guide listing about two-dozen "duties" and a series of deadlines for organizing support among conservative church congregations.

A copy of the guide obtained by Reuters directs religious volunteers to send church directories to state campaign committees, identify new churches that can be organized by the Bush campaign and talk to clergy about holding voter registration drives.

The document, distributed to campaign coordinators across the country earlier this year, also recommends that volunteers distribute voter guides in church and use Sunday service programs for get-out-the-vote drives.

My Way - News


The Official Predicta Television Site!

OK for the Tiki room, do I go with the Corona or the Chalet?

That's swank Baby!
The Official Predicta Television Site!