
Back Surgery try #2

Since February I’ve been battling two really nasty herniated discs in my back. The pain has been mostly down the left gluteus and all the way down my leg following the sciatic nerve. It’s been so bad that its impacted my right side (in compensating for the left).

I’ve done a round of oral steroids, a single direct injection of steroids, a round of PT, a double injection of steroids plus two rounds of acupuncture. Only to be back with the first option put on the table, surgery.

My first attempt was canceled on Friday Sept 4 due to a nasty cold/flu thing that the night before. I had never had something roll in so fast and hit so hard that this thing did. I was OK when I went to work, felt like my allergies were kicking it at lunch only to come home at 5 with a temperature that would hit 103 before midnight. Throw in a hacking cough which made the Doc cancel my surgery for fear of what I’d feel like with this mess after anesthesia. So I spent the rest of Friday, almost all of Saturday and part of Sunday in bed.

Tuesday we’re trying again. The cough is what could be again the deal breaker. You don’t want to risk adding anesthesia which you have to clear out if there is crap already in there.

Now its off to scrub up the back with a soap that has as a warning not to get it in your ears or eyes because the stuff can cause both deafness and blindness. And I get to use it twice before surgery..

I’ll be good just so long as they don’t use that blue antibacterial on me and forget to tell me I won’t be able to move something for 24 hours which also happens to be covered in it.
