Interesting Interview on how GW Bush's faith effected his politics.
Fresh Air: Friday - April 30, 2004
Links, Thoughts and Personal Things.
Interesting Interview on how GW Bush's faith effected his politics.
Oh my this new Batman flick is going to rebuild the Dark Knight's rep on the big screen. Now if they could only redo that crappy Catwoman outfit with the one Jim Lee did for Hush. Hally would look so much better in it.
Interesting voice.. Rhythm was on Radio Paradise this afternoon.
Cyberball baby!!! I read that Midway is adding it to the next set of Arcade Classic along with Mortal Kombat 1 and 2..
Oh Please let this happen... Also I hope they keep GoldenEye 2 where you can be a Bond villian.. Maybe even have Naomi from "The Spy who Loved Me" as your personal pilot.
I think this should go to either Flordia, California or Texas since those are the launch and control locations for the space program. BTW, what if the Russians want to make a claim? They've put a lander up
Nothing much more you can say about Pat that hasn't already been written. The man followed his convections and left his new bride and a $3.6 million contract to serve. He will be missed. May the Lord grant his soul rest and his family peace as they mourn.
Gotta love this expression..
I hate this crap... I mean.. who wouldn't love to fly in a F-18/A but do you think that even with the fact my Dad was an ATC at Penny that I would I be able to score a ride.. Nope.. and neither will you. It's our tax dollars that put the gas in those birds. If the celbs wanna ride, make them pay for the fuel load.
This might be worth a road trip to Canada fantasia | films + schedule
To take a line from the Man himself...
This would have been the opening of my assignment but I'm afrade that it would get dinged as fluf:
If Don King has you back, you know you've got problems. Just hope Bush doesn't sign anything Don hands him or he'll have to fight 4 times just to pay for King's 'services'.
I keep getting drawn to the Asia idea that you can have both action and serious drama in the same movie.
When Drudge starts breaking out bad press about Bush, you know things are getting bad for GW.
Reason 9,234,593 that THE MAN has you down.
You know that rap handles just look stupid when written up in offical court documents.
From Eric Neal's weekly baseball column on Page 2
Forget the food, I just want the pedometer.
I wouldn't have believed this until I saw it..
Then again, we couldn't shoot it down with that cool missle defense system which was about all GW wanted to think about.. That and his golf swing..
Productivity goes up yet worker's pay and benefits go down while CEO's salaries and bonuses go up?
Mr. Crume (our resident foodie) said that this is the place in Chicago for beef. he had me when he said it comes with a side of pesto..
Couldn't say it better myself...
I was flipping channels for background noise and heard part of a talk by Karen Armstrong about her new book, THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE: MY CLIMB OUT OF DARKNESS.
I can't see this thing running, say, Doom3, Half Life 2 or anything needing high frame rate.
To qoute John Crichton (and part of my son's name sake)
Attention Galactica Fan Boys.. Your leader has sold you out!
Proof number 1,234,569 that The MAN has you down.
Just got this from the folks at Google
Oh this one is great!!
This was like a story from when I was in college where a woman was feeling too overwhelmed by her course work, was watching her grades tank which was going drop her out of the honors program and with it her college money. So she faked her kidnapping and took off for a weekend. Wonder if the same thing happened here?
It is sad to rad such words as former diplomat Kiesling: