
Interesting Interview on how GW Bush's faith effected his politics.
Fresh Air: Friday - April 30, 2004

Oh my this new Batman flick is going to rebuild the Dark Knight's rep on the big screen. Now if they could only redo that crappy Catwoman outfit with the one Jim Lee did for Hush. Hally would look so much better in it.


Interesting voice.. Rhythm was on Radio Paradise this afternoon.

Anna Domino - The Belgian Pop & Rock Archives

Cyberball baby!!! I read that Midway is adding it to the next set of Arcade Classic along with Mortal Kombat 1 and 2..
James Marous' Classic Arcade Games


Need to grab this for home
Download details: Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003


Oh Please let this happen... Also I hope they keep GoldenEye 2 where you can be a Bond villian.. Maybe even have Naomi from "The Spy who Loved Me" as your personal pilot.

Of cource my first evil deed would be to bring back Xenia Onatopp and May Day

GoldenEye 2 and other EA games rumoured for XBOX Live support

I think this should go to either Flordia, California or Texas since those are the launch and control locations for the space program. BTW, what if the Russians want to make a claim? They've put a lander up
SI.com - MLB - Little League gives Virginia jurisdiction over Mars - Sunday April 25, 2004 3:19PM: "Little League gives Virginia jurisdiction over Mars"


Nothing much more you can say about Pat that hasn't already been written. The man followed his convections and left his new bride and a $3.6 million contract to serve. He will be missed. May the Lord grant his soul rest and his family peace as they mourn.

SI.com - NFL - Former Cardinals safety Tillman killed in combat - Friday April 23, 2004 1:20PM: "Tillman killed in Afghanistan
Former Cardinals safety walked away from NFL to join Army Rangers"

LONDON (Reuters) - A rampant rhinoceros gave a group of visitors a glimpse of nature in the raw at a British safari park when he tried to have sex with their car


Gotta love this expression..
Trust me, I'm The Regular Crew Chief > 313th Tactical Fighter Squadron > Maddog's T-Shirts | CafePress: "Trust me, I'm The Regular Crew Chief"

I hate this crap... I mean.. who wouldn't love to fly in a F-18/A but do you think that even with the fact my Dad was an ATC at Penny that I would I be able to score a ride.. Nope.. and neither will you. It's our tax dollars that put the gas in those birds. If the celbs wanna ride, make them pay for the fuel load.

ESPN.com: Page 2 - Riding shotgun with a Top Gun: "www.blueangels.navy.mil/flashindex.html"

This might be worth a road trip to Canada fantasia | films + schedule


Gotta throw this on the box at home
intraVnews | Home


To take a line from the Man himself...

"Kruk's got a column.. I didn't know he could read."ESPN.com: Page 2 - World Series baseball in April

This would have been the opening of my assignment but I'm afrade that it would get dinged as fluf:

Author’s preamble: The impact of war upon a people is difficult to understand. For the historian, impact of war on a nation or a region can be effectively measured in many different ways. A few of these measures are the redrawing of boarders, the rise and fall of governments, the building and shattering of alliances. Yet when the historian seeks to measurer the cost of war on a culture, little is left. What is left tends to be either a statistical record of the people (such as the number of people who died or left the area) or a global statement such as “they once spoke “A” but after years of post war occupation now speak “B”’. Such measures do little in the way of teaching us about the individual lives and a people’s culture that have been forever impacted.

If Don King has you back, you know you've got problems. Just hope Bush doesn't sign anything Don hands him or he'll have to fight 4 times just to pay for King's 'services'.
CNN.com: "Don King offers his support for President Bush"

Save the Saturn V! Give the old horse a proper home.
Giving Opportunities - Saturn V Restoration

I keep getting drawn to the Asia idea that you can have both action and serious drama in the same movie.

Or could it be that Asia's women action stars just make guns look better?
Goddess of Mercy


When Drudge starts breaking out bad press about Bush, you know things are getting bad for GW.
DRUDGE REPORT 2004: "ALL BUT ONE SOURCE ANONYMOUS: Woodward interviewed 75 of the people who helped prepare for the attack on Iraq, including President Bush - the only individual who speaks for attribution in the book, PLAN OF ATTACK... MORE...

WOODWARD: CIA thought Saddam had been killed before the ground war even began...

WOODWARD: Foreign dignitary was told of the plans to attack Iraq days before key Bush cabinet members were briefed...

WOODWARD: Top administration officials now barely speak to each other... "

Reason 9,234,593 that THE MAN has you down.

United For A Fair Economy: "CEO Pay/Worker Pay Ratio Reaches 301-to-1
Average Worker Takes Home $517 a Week; Average CEO $155,769 a Week"

You know that rap handles just look stupid when written up in offical court documents.
Lil' Kim Rapped With Felony Perjury Charges - April 14, 2004

From Eric Neal's weekly baseball column on Page 2

ESPN.com: Page 2 - Read it and believe it: ... First, if you haven't already heard, today is Jackie Robinson Day in the Major Leagues. So do something special in honor of the day Robinson first stepped onto the field at Ebbetts, would ya? I'm planning to steal home on the mailman this afternoon, slide right under his bag just before he gets to the box, then pop up, brush myself off, and tell him, "That's for Jackie."

... David Wells threw eight pitches in the first inning and 36 in the second. In the first, he was a wily wizard. In the second, he was sweaty and desperate. This is a cruel game.

... John Thomson stood on the mound at Shea, stoically soaking up the cold New York rain, and it hit me that the best thing about spring baseball is how bloody unlikely it is some nights. I love hitters trying to keep their bats dry, and pitchers trying to keep mound mud from gumming up their spikes. And even more than that, I love the nut jobs in the stands wearing parkas and ski caps, reciting teeth-chattering prayers over cold cups of hot chocolate and never once thinking they should be anywhere else.

Forget the food, I just want the pedometer.
CNN.com - Adult 'Happy Meals' offer salad, no prize - Apr 15, 2004: "Coming soon to a McDonald's near you: Adult Happy Meals, featuring salad, bottled water, pedometer and a little bit of advice: Walk more."


I wouldn't have believed this until I saw it..

For years, pornographers have used the Web to stage interactive peepshows that let visitors type requests to models in front of the camera. More recently, amateur "camgirls" have used cheap webcams and broadband connections to broadcast performances from their own bedrooms.

Now comes subservientchicken.com, a website that mimics the look of an Internet sexcam show to promote a new chicken sandwich from Burger King.

Instead of starring a busty young woman or a porn stud with rock-hard abs, the Flash-powered site features an actor in a chicken suit, dressed in lingerie. And unlike previous big-business attempts to cash in on an Internet trend, the Subservient Chicken site quickly became an Internet hit.

Wired News: Porno Hen Hawks for Burger King

Then again, we couldn't shoot it down with that cool missle defense system which was about all GW wanted to think about.. That and his golf swing..
washingtonpost.com: Panel Says Bush Saw Repeated Warnings


Productivity goes up yet worker's pay and benefits go down while CEO's salaries and bonuses go up?

Maybe it's me but this whole thing is a bit off.
Spinning Wheels - Our Continual Refusal to Raise CAFE Standards


Mr. Crume (our resident foodie) said that this is the place in Chicago for beef. he had me when he said it comes with a side of pesto..
The restaurant and dining guide to Chicago:Tango Sur

Couldn't say it better myself...

"I'm getting tired of getting up every morning, turning on the radio, and hearing about another four of our guys is dead in Iraq. Bush keeps going to fund raisers - but never attends a funeral."
- DON IMUS, on his nationally syndicated radio show "Imus In The Morning."


So true it hurts

I was flipping channels for background noise and heard part of a talk by Karen Armstrong about her new book, THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE: MY CLIMB OUT OF DARKNESS.
She had some interesting quotes:

"I like to considered myself a freelance mono theist"

"I hate the term 'teach tolerance'. It as if you have to put up with them. We should try 'teach compassion and understanding'."

Here's a link to the talk:

From Union Theological Seminary in New York City, Karen Armstrong discusses her new memoir, "The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness." Karen Armstrong became a nun at the age of 17, but left the convent seven years later, in 1969. She went on to write several books on religious subjects, including "A History of God," "The Battle for God: A History of Fundamentalism," "Islam: A Short History," and "Buddha." "The Spiral Staircase" tells the story of her personal search for God and for her place in the world in the years after she left the convent.

For a review check out

I can't see this thing running, say, Doom3, Half Life 2 or anything needing high frame rate.
XBOX365 Feature - ApeXtreme - New Specs - PVR Added, Xbox Cheats, stories, info, and articles, xbox games, cheats and xbox reviews, hints and tips, general xbox info - XBOX 365 all day, every day

To qoute John Crichton (and part of my son's name sake)

Can I get a Hell Yeah!

Sci Fi Wire -- The News Service of the Sci Fi Channel: "SCI FI Brings Back Farscape "

Attention Galactica Fan Boys.. Your leader has sold you out!
Now go freeking watch the best Mini that SciFI has done (until the Farscape one comes out)

Moore Opens Hatch On Galactica

Proof number 1,234,569 that The MAN has you down.

Seiously, this is an important question that we need to look at...

Op-Ed Columnist: We're More Productive. Who Gets the Money?: "American workers have been remarkably productive in recent years, but they are getting fewer and fewer of the benefits of this increased productivity. While the economy, as measured by the gross domestic product, has been strong for some time now, ordinary workers have gotten little more than the back of the hand from employers who have pocketed an unprecedented share of the cash from this burst of economic growth. "


Just got this from the folks at Google

Thank you for contacting Google about our Copernicus Research Center.

We've received an overwhelming response to this opportunity and are not
currently accepting additional resumes. We will, however, keep your
information on file should we have an opening in the future. At the
current staffing levels, we anticipate that we may need additional
applicants on or around April Fool's Day in 2104. Until then, we
appreciate your interest in Google and your taking the time to write us.


The Googlunar Recruiting Team

Oh this one is great!!

Google is interviewing candidates for engineering positions at our lunar hosting and research center, opening late in the spring of 2007. This unique opportunity is available only to highly-qualified individuals who are willing to relocate for an extended period of time, are in top physical condition and are capable of surviving with limited access to such modern conveniences as soy low-fat lattes, The Sopranos and a steady supply of oxygen.
Google Job Opportunities: Google Copernicus Center is hiring

This was like a story from when I was in college where a woman was feeling too overwhelmed by her course work, was watching her grades tank which was going drop her out of the honors program and with it her college money. So she faked her kidnapping and took off for a weekend. Wonder if the same thing happened here?
CNN.com - Police: Evidence doesn't support abduction claim - Apr 2, 2004

Blizzard's Two Headed Ogres April Fools Joke
World of Warcraft Community Site -> Database

You know somewhere this was a real game in development
Pimps at Sea

It is sad to rad such words as former diplomat Kiesling:
The policies we are now asked to advance are incompatible not only with American values but also with American interests. Our fervent pursuit of war with Iraq is driving us to squander the international legitimacy that has been America’s most potent weapon of both offense and defense since the days of Woodrow Wilson. We have begun to dismantle the largest and most effective web of international relationships the world has ever known. Our current course will bring instability and danger, not security.

U.S. Diplomat's Letter of Resignation